Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Along with the historic Christian Church, we confess the three ecumenical creeds, namely the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds. We believe that God the Father has created all things, Jesus Christ the Son died, rose, and has won salvation for the whole world, and the Holy Spirit creates and sustains faith through Holy Baptism, the Lord's Supper, and the proclamation of His inspired Word, the Holy Bible.
In addition, we hold to the confessional documents found in the unaltered Book of Concord of 1580 because they are a faithful exposition of scripture.
Our Divine Worship Service is at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday morning. We hope to see you there!
We offer Bible Study at 11 a.m. every Sunday morning at Shepherd's Hand across the street from the church. Please join us!
Call us at (260) 422-3790 or e-mail us at We'd love to hear from you!
No, there is no dress code. We welcome you to come as you are.
Yes! While it is now an independent nonprofit service organization, Shepherd's Hand began as a community outreach initiative of Shepherd of the City Lutheran Church.
Through this ministry, we continue as a family of faith seek to meet the needs of those in our neighborhood through education, health and life wellness programs, and events. Through acts of mercy, we desire to care for the tangible needs of our community and point all whom we serve to Christ and the places where He might be found, namely the Sunday morning Divine Worship Service where we hear the Gospel and receive our Good Shepherd's gifts of grace.
Visit the Shepherd's Hand website at for more information.
You can support the work of SoC through your ongoing prayers and through financial contributions. You can also get involved. Visit us on Sunday or contact the church office to ask about volunteer opportunities.
LCMS stands for Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, a church body that confesses the historic, orthodox Christian faith, a faith built on "the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone." Ephesians 2:20
The LCMS, headquartered in St. Louis, Mo., is mission-oriented and Bible-based. Its doctrine reflects the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther, as summarized in The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Today, the LCMS has nearly 2 million baptized members in more than 6,000 congregations and some 9,000 pastors. The LCMS has two seminaries and six colleges and universities, and its congregations operate the largest Protestant parochial school system in America.
To learn more about the LCMS, visit
Dr. Martin Luther, the great 16th-century teacher and reformer of the Church who uncovered the Gospel after it had been largely buried under doctrines of men for centuries in the Roman Catholic Church, was a sinner like all fallen mankind.
In his attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church from within, he was excommunicated against his wishes. He neither desired to start a new church nor did he. He taught and confessed the same historic, Christian faith taught in Scripture and confessed by faithful Christians throughout history. The Lutheran Church is nothing more than a continuation of the one holy and apostolic visible church on earth founded by Christ and His apostles.
The term Lutheran was a derogatory term given those who confessed the truth of the Gospel at the time of the Reformation; it was despised by both Luther and his followers. Lutherans neither worship Luther nor agree with everything he did, said, and taught. Despite his flaws, we give thanks to God for Luther's faithful and bold confession given in accordance with Holy Scripture.
Copyright © 2024 Shepherd of the City Lutheran
A congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.
1301 S. Anthony Blvd., Fort Wayne, Ind. 46803 | (260) 422-2224